Kid Icarus Uprising Weapon Fusion table codes

Welcome to the hint for Kid Icarus Uprising Weapon Fusion table codes . there hundred wepaons in this game. that's why many gamers say this is game is good because of variety of items and good gameplot. actually there 9 wepons categories

Kid Icarus Uprising Weapon Fusion
kid icarus Uprising Weapon Fusion

as shown in the table above, every item has a value from 1 to 12. It’s been determined that the value of your 2 fusion items added together is equivalent to the value of the resulting weapon (if you go past 12 you begin back at 1 and keep going

kid icarus uprising weapons categories :


kid icarus Electroshock Arm

this weapon will fires bursts of electricity. Its charged shots expand as they travel, dealing a quick round of damage and inflicting paralysis. And its melee strikes send the foe flying backward, so get in there quick with your combos!

kid icarus Taurus Arm
The 2 horns compact the most combat harm of any arm. although its attacks are huge and dominant, they have fragile homing ability and limited range.

wait for update of Kid Icarus Uprising Weapon Fusion and other weapons unlock