mass effect 3 intel locations

Where are mass effect 3 intel locations ? as amazing game star from game magazine ME3 has cool gameplay. there are some hidden items that gamers should find. one of them are intels.
mass effect 3 intel locations
mass effect 3 intel locations

look for indicated locations to locate the three pieces of intel in the -From Ashes- DLC then get the -Freedom Fighter- achievement:

1. at the first time you are landing on the planet, no 1 piece of intel can be found inside a building to your right. Come into the building signed with -6-, Before continuing to the elevator ahead, and use the computer there.

2. try to set the elevator down into a new arena taht full of enemies. Kill tehm all then you have to back to the area you began from (remember where you stepped off the elevator). then look at the left side , there should be a building with -5- sign. you can find the second piece of intel Inside a computer console

3. you will see that There is a big building with -2- mark. The intel is inside that building. Go through the building, and turn left. Use the center keyboard to get the third piece of intel and the -Freedom Fighter- achievement.

that's for mass effect 3 intel locations read also other tricks how to get black widow in mass effect 3

Biodata JKT 48 Terbaru part two

Biodata JKT 48 member , idol gorup sister dari AKB 4 jepang ini sudah punya lagu. tentu saja lagu pertamanya masih dari lagu punya AKB48 cuman sudah memakai bahasa Indonesia yaitu lagu Heavy Rotation. silahkan baca juga biodatanya disini

biodata jkt 48

biodata jkt 48

List :

9. Namanya : Jessica Veranda Hardja
Tanggal lahir 19 Agustus 1993 berarti umur 18 tahun
Golongan darah O
Bintang Leo
Tinggi Badan 168cm
Julukan Jessica
Twitter @veJKT48
Facebook :

10. Melody Nurramdhani Laksani
Birthday 24 Maret 1992
Blood O
Horoscope Aries
Tinggi Badan168cm
Julukan Melody
Twitter @melodyJKT48

11. Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia
Name Nabilah Ratna Ayu Azalia
Birthday 11 November 1999
Blood B
Horoscope Scorpio
Tinggi Badan 152cm
Julukan Nabila
Twitter @nabilahJKT48

12. Neneng Rosediana
Birthday 24 Januari 1999
Blood O
Horoscope Aquarius
Tinggi Badan162cm
Julukan Neneng
Twitter @ochiJKT48

13. Shania Juniantha
Birthday 27 Juni 1998
Blood B
Horoscope Cancer
Tinggi Badan 165cm
Julukan Shania
Twitter @shaniaJKT48
selanjutnya di

biodata jkt48

14. Sonia Natalia
Birthday 17 Desember 1997
Blood O
Horoscope Sagitarius
Tinggi Badan 153cm
Julukan Sonia
Twitter @soniaJKT48

15. Sonya Pandarwaman
Birthday 18 Mei 1996
Blood A
Horoscope Scorpio
Tinggi Badan 156cm
Julukan Sonya
Twitter @sonyaJKT48

16. Stella Cornelia
Birthday 03 November 1994
Blood O
Horoscope Scorpio
Tinggi Badan 160cm
Julukan Stella
Twitter @stellaJKT48
Facebook :

lihat juga bidata anggota biodata anggota jkt 48 part three / bagian tiga biodata jkt 48


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